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Practical and Sustainable Weight Loss Tips for Busy Professionals Looking to Stay Fit

Whether for health reasons or simply aesthetics, many people want to lose weight. However, losing weight isn't easy—it requires a lot of self-control to avoid junk food and engage in daily physical activity (without overdoing it, of course).

Jeff Haden, a speaker, motivator, and entrepreneurship consultant, used to be dissatisfied with his silhouette. Recently, he started a diet that wasn’t overly complicated—it involved restricting certain foods, doing some exercise, and monitoring his nutritional intake.

The results were quite positive: in 30 days, he lost 4.5 kg (about 10 lbs). In an article, he listed what he did to lose weight. Note: Always consult a nutritionist and a doctor before starting a diet.

1. Prioritize Liquids

Starting your day by drinking only liquids—preferably clear ones—has two advantages, according to Haden: it fills your stomach with low-calorie substances and helps you feel satisfied.

2. Exercise in the Morning

This one’s obvious: by exercising, you burn calories. Haden adopted a routine of doing 20 minutes of constant physical activity each morning. He found that exercise also helped him feel more upbeat throughout the morning.

3. Drink a Glass of Water Before Each Meal

Drinking water before eating is a trick to curb your appetite. At first, it might be challenging to eat only what your stomach needs. But remember, your goal is to lose weight. In a few days, you’ll feel satisfied with less food.

4. Avoid White Foods

White flours and sugars are the enemies of weight loss. The more you can avoid them, the better. Some examples of foods to cut out of your diet include bread, cheese, cookies, pasta, rice, potatoes, and butter. Ideally, replace these with vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins like fish, poultry, and eggs.

5. Plan Ahead

Mapping out what you’ll eat throughout the day is very helpful. If you can, decide what you’ll eat the night before. This way, when it’s lunchtime, for instance, you won’t be tempted to deviate from your diet.

It’s not necessary to count every calorie, which is common among those looking to lose weight quickly. Just follow the rule of avoiding white foods and not overdoing it with sauces, Haden suggests.

6. Take a Snack Break

Eating less at each meal and cutting out white foods from your diet may leave you feeling hungry at certain times. Whenever hunger strikes, opt for light snacks like fruits or cereal bars.

7. Craving Something Sweet? Go Ahead, But Moderately

Many people crave sweets at some point in the day. This is allowed, as long as it’s in moderation and not after every meal. Choose one time of day to enjoy something you like—this will help you savor the sweetness and feel satisfied with a small portion.

8. Weigh Yourself Every Day

Weighing yourself daily helps you keep track of the progress you’re making. Only those who see results stay motivated to continue their diet.