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7 Expert-Recommended Strategies for Sustainable Weight Loss

Losing weight, as anyone who has been on a diet knows, is not as difficult as keeping the weight off. But is it really possible to lose weight for good? Yes, it is.

Here are expert recommendations with practical tips:

1. Adopt a Healthy Diet

It may seem obvious, but when you improve your eating habits, you provide the necessary nutrients to boost your metabolism. Remember, only a well-nourished person can lose weight and maintain it. The ideal menu includes energy foods (five to nine servings of pasta, bread, and cereals—preferably whole grains—daily); regulatory foods (three to five servings of fruit and four or five servings of vegetables); and builder foods (three servings of dairy, one or two of meat and eggs, and one of legumes).

2. Make Lifestyle Changes

In addition to eating well, physical activity is essential. Starting is easy; the hard part is not giving up. There’s no magic solution, but if the exercise is enjoyable and you adopt a routine you can stick to, it will become much more enjoyable. For example, if you started playing volleyball but can only get a team together on weekends, take daily walks and dedicate your weekends to games instead of giving up on the sport.

3. Reduce Calorie Intake

Relax—no one needs to live with severe food restrictions. Just cut 100 calories a day, which isn’t a sacrifice. For instance, two slices of pineapple weighing 80 grams each add up to this amount, as do two tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese. So, have one slice of fruit and add just one spoonful of cheese to your pasta. Done—you’ve saved 100 calories. In a week, that’s 700 calories saved, and in five months, it’s 15,000 calories saved, equal to losing 2 kilograms (about 4.4 pounds). No hunger or deprivation is required. And if you exercise, even better—dancing or stretching for about 20 minutes will burn an additional 100 calories.

4. Write Down What You Ate and What Exercises You Did Each Day

People who track what they eat each day are more aware of any slips, not just in quantity but also in quality. For example, sticking to a salad but adding lots of mayonnaise can be a pitfall you only notice after reviewing your weekly menu. Another trap is skipping a meal to save calories, only to overdo it at the next one. A food diary helps you stay disciplined. You don’t need a notepad and pen—consider creating a blog! Share it with family and friends who would enjoy tracking your progress.

5. Set Achievable Goals

Set realistic deadlines and remember: it’s very discouraging to set unattainable or unsafe goals. Someone aiming to lose 5 kilograms (11 pounds) in a week will likely feel frustrated if they don’t succeed, and it could even harm their health. Aim to lose about 600 grams (1.3 pounds) per week, which is a realistic goal endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

6. Seek Support from Family and Friends

Commitment is crucial for success, as it motivates people to stick to their plan. Support from those who care about you is invaluable. You’re less likely to sabotage your diet, and during happy hour, friends can encourage you to swap fries for a side of steamed eggplant without oil. Again, a blog that tracks your progress and connects you with others facing similar challenges can be very helpful.

7. Keep Your Real Reasons for Losing Weight in Mind and Remember the Health Benefits

Aside from boosting your self-esteem, reaching your desired weight brings many health benefits. When you lose weight, your blood pressure stabilizes, and your risk of diabetes, stroke, and cardiovascular disease decreases significantly. Plus, weight loss reduces strain on joints, your back, hips, and knees.