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How to Successfully Lose Weight After 50 with Simple Habits

How to Successfully Lose Weight After 50

Here are no miracles or restrictive diets—just habits you should adopt after turning 50. Yes, it is possible to lose weight at this age.

During perimenopause and menopause, it is common for women to gain weight as the body produces less progesterone while maintaining estrogen production. However, contrary to popular belief, it is possible to lose weight after the age of 50. You just need to adopt a few habits.

These are simple tips that really help with weight loss:

Cut Calories

The bad news is already out there, and it’s better to be aware: after the age of 50, metabolism slows down considerably. This means that the number of calories you consume daily cannot be as high as it used to be. Ideally, you should cut your daily intake in half.

Consume Protein

Yes, we just mentioned cutting calories, but within the calories you can consume, you should include protein sources. This is because proteins help keep you satiated and maintain muscle mass, which inevitably declines with age. You can consume meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products as sources of protein.

Continue Exercising

Find an activity you enjoy to stay physically active, but supplement it with strength training. As you age, muscle mass decreases, and strength training can increase bone density and prevent injuries. The goal should be to maintain muscle mass.

Prioritize Sleep

When we sleep, we continue to burn calories because we produce growth hormones, which keep the metabolism active even in adults. But it's important to get the right amount of sleep—not too much or too little. Ideally, you should aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per day.

Check Your Thyroid

Thyroid problems can significantly impact what happens in your body, including weight gain or loss. Hypothyroidism, for instance, can lead to weight gain but can be managed. Therefore, you should consult a doctor, have your thyroid checked, and adjust your medication if necessary to prevent weight gain due to thyroid imbalances.