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13 Effective Ways to Boost Your Metabolism and Lose Weight

Boost Metabolism Lose Weight

Losing weight is not easy, especially when your body works against it. What we mean is that it tends to store more calories than it burns. However, it is possible to change this by speeding up your metabolism and making sure your body doesn't store more fat.

Metabolism is nothing more than all the chemical reactions that happen in the body. This process breaks down and utilizes nutrients from food so that the body functions with good energy. When your metabolism is slow, it tends to store calories, which turn into body fat and increase weight.

In this post, We explains 13 very effective ways to speed up your metabolism to burn fat. Additionally, we'll explain what metabolic rate is and how it relates to weight loss and gain. Check it out!

What is Metabolic Rate?

Metabolic rate measures whether the metabolism is fast, regular, or slow. This data is checked by the speed at which the body burns calories over a period of time.

For an organism to lose weight easily, this rate needs to be high, whether at rest, during activity, or other tasks.

This metabolic rate number is determined by crossing various pieces of information about metabolism during calorie burning. They are:

  • Thermic Effect of Food (TEF): the amount of calories burned while your body processes food and beverages;
  • Thermic Effect of Exercise (TEE): how many calories are used during physical exercise, whether light or intense;
  • Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): the minimum amount of calories your body needs to burn to stay active while resting deeply—sleeping;
  • Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR): the calories your body needs to burn during short rests, represented in this phase of the metabolic rate;
  • Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT): the calories burned by the body during routine activities like walking, standing up, and washing dishes.

Check Out 13 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism to Lose Weight

  1. Eat Dark Chocolate

    Dark chocolate is a potent metabolism booster. Even in small amounts, it contains a good concentration of two substances: caffeine and catechin. Both elements increase calorie burning.

  2. Always Have Breakfast

    It may seem obvious to recommend having breakfast every day. The reason this meal is crucial for speeding up metabolism is that it stimulates the body’s functions early in the day.

    The sooner your metabolism starts working, the better it will burn calories throughout the day.

  3. Have More Meals Throughout the Day

    Although this tip may seem strange, it’s not. Eating several meals throughout the day speeds up metabolism because the more calories you consume, the harder your body works to burn them.

    However, it's not necessary to overdo the number of meals or the amount of food in each. Eating moderately five to six times daily is sufficient.

    To remember, here is a list of daily meals:

    • Breakfast
    • Mid-morning snack
    • Lunch
    • Afternoon snack
    • Dinner
    • Light meal before bed.
  4. Consume More Lean Proteins

    Lean proteins take longer to digest. This makes the metabolism work harder to handle them.

    These proteins are found in chicken and fish, which also have the advantage of being low in fat. Additionally, chewing these foods well facilitates digestion and avoids stomach discomfort like heartburn.

  5. Drink Plenty of Water

    Water is a powerful ally for speeding up metabolism healthily. Drinking plenty of water helps the body eliminate fluids more intensely. Thus, the body works harder to eliminate urine, burning many calories along with fluids, aiding in weight loss.

    Moreover, water helps metabolize nutrients from food, ensuring that processes, including metabolism, occur in a well-balanced way.

  6. Engage in High-Intensity Physical Activities

    Physical activities are one of the best ways to speed up metabolism and gain good health.

    The reason is that exercises require a lot of energy. And energy in the body means calories, burned at a high rate during intense activities like running, weightlifting, and crossfit.

    Therefore, doing small high-intensity workouts two to three times a week is worthwhile for accelerating metabolism in the short term.

  7. Drink Green Tea

    Green tea enhances calorie burning. The reason is that the beverage is rich in caffeine and catechin—the same substances found in dark chocolate.

    Catechins are antioxidants that stimulate metabolism to function at full speed, burning stored fat.

    Another positive aspect of the beverage is that when consumed hot, it boosts calorie burning even more. The explanation is that the body spends more energy to digest and process hot foods compared to cold ones.

  8. Eat Sweet Potatoes Regularly

    Sweet potatoes, besides being an excellent food for diabetics due to their low glycemic index, are perfect for speeding up metabolism. They stimulate the production of the hormone adiponectin, which helps control blood sugar levels in the body.

    When sugar is stored in the body and not used as an energy source, it turns into fat, causing weight gain and increasing the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.

    Consuming small pieces of sweet potato regularly, even instead of white flour bread, is a way to increase metabolic speed.

  9. Use Ginger as a Seasoning

    Ginger is a root with a strong flavor, reminiscent of peppers if you enjoy spicy foods. But behind its expressive taste, it helps speed up metabolism.

    How does ginger contribute to burning calories and aiding weight loss? It is a thermogenic food, meaning it heats the body significantly when consumed, requiring more energy to process and burning many calories.

  10. Eat Peppers

    Peppers work similarly to ginger in speeding up metabolism. They are considered thermogenic foods, increasing the body’s energy expenditure for processing.

    However, even with this positive effect, pepper consumption should be moderate.

    Those with stomach issues, such as poor digestion and heartburn, should avoid using peppers. The reason is that peppers can irritate the intestinal lining and lead to gastritis and ulcers.

    For those who enjoy a spicy taste in food, using pepper paste, sauce, or pieces works well to speed up metabolism.

  11. Reduce Carbohydrate Intake

    Carbohydrates are present in many daily foods like French bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and cassava.

    These substances cause fat accumulation when not used by the body, slowing down metabolism.

    Therefore, it's necessary to reduce the consumption of such elements in the diet, opting for fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Additionally, consuming whole foods improves digestion and helps increase metabolic rate.

  12. Sleep Well

    Sleep is closely related to how metabolism behaves. Poor sleep or insufficient rest hours affect how the body processes substances, reducing metabolic rate.

    Thus, combining all the tips in this post with good nights of sleep and relaxation will ensure a good metabolic boost.

    Another positive aspect of sleep is that for those who exercise, nights serve to repair and prepare the body for upcoming activities, bringing more health and quality of life.

  13. Exercise Regularly

    Besides high-intensity activities, maintaining a stable metabolism requires a regular exercise routine.

    In this sense, walking, running, and cycling stand out as activities that significantly speed up metabolism. These practices demand a lot of oxygen and blood, as well as many calories to provide energy for the exercise.

    Practicing thirty minutes of physical exercises at least twice a week is a good start. To accelerate metabolism further, gradually increase the time and frequency of exercise sessions.

To consistently speed up metabolism, lose weight, and gain more health, simply choose some tips from this post. It's not necessary to completely avoid any meal or activity when you engage in practices that benefit your body.