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Mastering Menopausal Weight Loss: Your Essential Guide to Healthier Living After 50

Menopausal Weight Loss After 50

During menopause, women must pay attention to their diet to avoid aggravating factors beyond those inherent in this period.

Most doctors and nutritionists agree that a combination of healthy eating and exercise is the key to losing weight without risking health. Although it will be essential to consult a specialist to advise on our particular case, women who reach menopausal age begin to experience changes due to the decrease in female hormones and the reduction of basal metabolism.

Because of this, many women see their bodies gain weight when they stop menstruating and enter menopause. This is a delicate period in life where (although many consider it 'the end of youth') its implications have changed in recent times due to women's greater longevity and change in their role in society: from mother to protagonist.

Many today affirm that being a menopausal woman has turned them into dynamic and fully integrated individuals in society. All this without the reduction of estrogen and the resulting discomfort preventing them from leading a normal life. What is advisable to consider is the state of health, as certain risks increase.

Favour Slow Metabolism

During menopause, women must pay attention to their diet (even more, if possible) to avoid aggravating factors beyond those that come with this 'situation'. To do this, it will be interesting to follow a slow metabolism and efficient calcium diet.

The first key to losing weight and shedding pounds during menopause is to eat five times a day. This activates metabolism without depriving us of the nutrients we need. Thus, three main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and two light snacks low in fat (mid-morning and afternoon) should be followed. Although the three meals will be more abundant, it will be interesting to ingest the recommended amount by a professional.

Secondly, many doctors and nutritionists advise including fruits and vegetables instead of fats. In a publication by Ragusa News, it is indicated that five pieces (including fruit and vegetables) should be included in the five meals of the day.

Avoid the consumption of sausages, fried foods, and cheeses rich in fats

All kinds of fruit are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients useful for keeping our body active and protecting it from stress while maintaining the functionality and structure of our cells. In addition to controlling caloric intake, it will be necessary to avoid the consumption of sausages, fried foods, and fatty cheeses.

Source of calcium and magnesium

The third piece of advice is related to the first: promote quality over quantity. While it will be necessary to eat five times a day, it will not be necessary to 'overdo it'. It would be interesting for menopausal women to include fish, white meats, and low-fat dairy products in their diet.

It is also advisable to take care of the type of cooking when cooking to avoid losing the nutrients of the food. Many specialists recommend products rich in calcium and magnesium to promote normal bone structure and function and prevent osteoporosis. In addition to dairy products, nuts, cabbage, and some legumes are rich sources of calcium and magnesium.

Fifth and sixth are two tips not suitable for 'sweet tooths' or lovers of salty products. Although it will not be necessary to cut the consumption of these foods at the root, it will be advisable to reduce the intake of sweets and salty foods. This helps to avoid the risk of cardiovascular diseases, which is directly related to a longer life expectancy.

Finally, it is worth noting that every healthy lifestyle should take into account physical exercise. Along with diet, it would be interesting to exercise regularly to keep menopausal symptoms somewhat at bay. It also protects the bones.

In short, although it is always advisable to follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly, with the onset of menopause, it would be even more important to follow a routine of healthy eating and exercise. However, beyond all the recommendations we may have access to, it is important to consult a specialist who analyzes our particular situation. With their advice, we will know what and how much to eat, as well as the sport to practice.

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Weight Loss Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or weight loss plan. Individual results may vary, and it is important to consider your own health needs and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.