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12 Steps to Break Free from the Diet Cycle and Transform Your Life

12 Keys to Achieving a Lasting Weight Loss Transformation

Break Free from Diet Cycle

If you want to lose weight for real, for good... a radical transformation...

And no, I’m not offering you a miracle pill.

I’m going to give you the 12 keys to that transformation, getting out of the diet cycle.

First and super important... drum roll, please....

Stop thinking like a person with weight issues, fat, chubby, overweight... I don’t care what word you use, I know you understand me.

It’s key. Change your way of thinking about weight.

I invite you to start thinking like...

A healthy woman, a person who loves themselves (regardless of the extra pounds), a person who takes care of themselves, a person who loves themselves, a person who accepts themselves, a person with a healthy lifestyle.

A woman who does everything out of self-love, not to love herself or to fit into a current societal pattern that makes no sense (ideal bodies that don’t exist or aren’t real).

A woman who every day focuses on bringing out the best version of herself. Someone who appreciates everything their body does for them.

Start thinking, acting, and feeling “AS IF...”, as if you were already the woman you want to become.

NOTE: Fashion, decor, and trends are one thing, but treating your body like an object or something to fit into a trend is another. Enough!

Stop dieting, they don’t work (at least not in the long term). Don’t deceive yourself. NO, please, for God’s sake, for the Virgin’s sake, and most importantly, for YOUR sake.

Say goodbye, farewell, no more:

“Thank you, diets, but I love myself so much that I’ve decided I don’t need you anymore. From now on, I’ll take care of myself.”

Really, no more.

They leave you worse off than before. Every time you diet, it leaves you with a worse relationship with food, with yourself, and with your body.

Moreover, the more diets you try, the harder and slower it becomes to lose weight, and the faster you regain the little you lost...

Find your own lifestyle that works for you, considering your gender, age, and way of living... And this lifestyle must fit you. It can’t mean starving or eating more or less of this or that. Your lifestyle should include: Self-care and Self-love.

A lifestyle that allows you to balance enjoyment and healthy habits and weight.

Model. They say we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with: what are they like? What lifestyle do they have? How do they speak? How do they behave?...

The environment influences us, so look at who you surround yourself with. And also consider what kind of influence you are on them.

Surround yourself with those people you want to be like. Look for coherence in them: what are they like? What do they do? What habits do they have? How do they behave? What do they talk about?...

Read books, get informed, listen to conferences and videos about self-improvement, health, emotional intelligence, habits, mindset... soak up what you want.

Have powerful reasons for your self-care. Your "whys". Find that engine, that motivation, that force that keeps you going despite difficulties and helps you get up one more time than you fall.

Don’t chase anything other than self-care; forget about your goal being to lose weight. Let go of expectations, detach from results. The path of self-care has no end, so let the goal be the journey itself.

What matters is the person you become with each step.

Take care of yourself because you love yourself. And because you want to grow old fabulously with a high quality of life.

If you’re going to spend your whole life (YOUR LIFE) in your body, the smartest thing to do is take care of it (best fuel: real and healthy food; move it; give it the rest it deserves; treat it well, talk to it kindly...).

Acceptance. Yes, accept and embrace your present reality as it is today. With your current circumstances, your extra pounds, your past... Everything is welcome.

There are things you won’t be able to change, let them go. Decide to live with them.

Many others, of course, you can change or at least improve.

What you don’t accept makes you suffer. Stop fighting the most valuable thing you have: you, your body. Acceptance doesn’t mean you have to like everything about yourself; there are many things and people you don’t like in this life, and you accept them.

Acceptance is making peace with reality, your present, and from there, starting to take small actions and changes that bring you closer each day to the woman you want to become.

Ask powerful questions to make conscious decisions aligned with your goals, values, and desired lifestyle. Ask yourself questions like these:

- Why do I do what I do? - Where do I do what I do? - How do I relate to food, my body, myself? - Does this decision I’m about to make benefit me, will it do me good? - In case of doubt... What would someone who loves themselves do? Or what would LOVE do? - Does this decision lead me to where I want to go: a healthy lifestyle? - Does this decision add or subtract, bring me closer or take me away from what I want?

Remember, what you have today is the result of your past conscious and unconscious decisions. Now you can choose to plant new seeds. Because someday, not too far away, your future will be your present, and that woman of the future (when you get there) should be proud of her past.

Or put another way, make sure the decisions you make today aren’t at the expense of your future.

Forget about short-termism, shortcuts, and quick paths. “Bread for today, hunger for tomorrow.” What a wise saying!

Patience, presence, and awareness.

It’s a process, it’s a journey, it has no end date...

And yes, the journey must be walked, with everything that entails (relapses and little stones on the path).

The more focus and attention, the more presence and thus, more conscious decisions aligned with your healthy goal.

Better done than perfect. Embrace mistakes. As I’ve already told you, relapses, “mess-ups” included, are welcome; they are part of any learning and change process.

Don’t seek perfection; there is no perfection in anything, especially not in this self-care process.

I repeat: the path is made by walking, don’t be afraid of failing, making mistakes, or falling. The important thing is to get up and learn from each relapse.

Practice, experiment, learn... every day. Get started every day.

Don’t wait for the perfect moment; your own life is the best laboratory to start this self-care process and journey.

Each day is a day. Take care of each day. Focusing on the future, creating quick expectations, will generate anxiety, stress, frustration, and discomfort. So be kind to yourself when you notice that inner chatter and return to your present moment. Remember your powerful reasons and why you’re doing this. If it’s out of self-love, you’ll stay on the path.

In the morning, be grateful for each day, visualize yourself walking your path every day.

When you get up, look in the mirror with love, give yourself a boost of energy and say: “Let’s go.

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Weight Loss Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or weight loss plan. Individual results may vary, and it is important to consider your own health needs and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.