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5 Strategies (Scientifically Proven) to Lose Weight

Losing weight has become a public health issue. We're not just talking about appearance anymore; we're talking about maintaining health and addressing the major pandemic of the century: obesity. The reason, according to experts, is that we're eating worse, outside of the home, and abusing processed foods more than we should. But the solution isn't to be fooled by one of the many trendy diets; it's about incorporating small healthy habits that will help you reach a healthy weight. Take note!

The Sleep Diet (or How Good Sleep Helps Us Lose Weight)

You may be surprised, but rest is as important as eating well or going to the gym. If you effectively rest for about 7 to 8 hours a day, you'll make your body function more efficiently. On the contrary, if you don't rest as much as your body demands, a series of processes that can hinder weight loss will be triggered. To give us an idea of the importance of sleep in our weight, a study by the Biomedical Research Center on Obesity and Nutrition considers that for every additional hour of sleep, we would reduce the risk of overweight by up to 36%.

Exercise, preferably in the morning.

According to some studies (The Journal of Physiology), those who exercise as soon as they get out of bed burn more calories (of course, without forgetting to follow a proper diet). The reason is simple: our body is rested and has its energy levels charged, so the training program tends to be more effective. For example, some types of yoga, such as Ashtanga, Vinyasa, or Power yoga, more popular in gyms and among people who want to get in shape with alternative methods, will raise your heart rate to an aerobic range and are perfect for starting the morning.

It's not a myth: drinking water helps you lose weight.

There's nothing that helps the body more than drinking water and being well hydrated. Hydration allows your kidneys to eliminate toxins and keep metabolism active. If, in addition, you include a glass of water before each meal, you'll control hunger. According to a group of researchers at the University of Birmingham, it's an effective and simple remedy to help us lose weight. The reason? Sometimes, we confuse the feeling of hunger with thirst; so drinking a glass of water before a meal helps us determine what our body really needs. Plus, it has a satiating effect.

Put your phone aside while you eat.

Some studies suggest that if you eat while glued to your phone or television screen, you can end up eating up to 25% more than usual because you do it distractedly and end up overeating without being aware of it. Conversely, eating with company makes us eat more slowly, be more aware of what we put in our mouths, and overall, enjoy our food more.

Why is it better to have five meals a day?

Such a simple eating habit is also the most effective way to maintain an ideal weight, according to nutrition experts. The goal is to eat more often (every 3-4 hours), but less, and thus activate metabolism to burn more. This way, we avoid snacking and food anxiety.

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Weight Loss Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog post is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or weight loss plan. Individual results may vary, and it is important to consider your own health needs and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new diet or exercise program.